(A) On Page Optimization:
It include website content and structure, which includes the following factors :
Content Quality: The content is present on every webpage of different website web pages, But search engine give preference to those content which is well defined and easy to understand to the user. Read More.
(B) Off Page Optimization:
The off page is to work for website but not on it, but on another website from which we get the links(i.e often called Back links), The following factors are:
Article Writing: In Search Engine Optimization (SEO) we wrote on particular product and putting the write keywords with easily readable content for user and submit it to Article Websites. Read More
On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization
Search Engine Optimization term came into effect in the last decade due to reach of internet to millions of people and availability of smart devices in affordable prices. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is itself interpret its meaning i.e. to improve or optimize according to the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing all over the World. SEO is totally depend on the keyword (i.e. we call organic search) search by user (people) in the search engine.
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Search Engine Method and Strategy
Keyword density is an indicator of the number of times the selected keyword appears in the web page. It is always expresses as a percentage of total word content on a website page.
Read More: http://seoinformationtechnology.blogspot.in/2014/06/Importance-Of-Keyword-Density-and-Search-Engine-Optimization-SEO-Services-Mumbai-INDIA.html
Keyword density and Search Engine Optimization
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